Debt Busting Chick!

Debt Busting Chick!: 2013-11-10

14 Nov 2013

I've fallen back in love with the clothes in my wardrobe...

I've always been one of those girls that likes to buy a new outfit just to go out on the town, and this has contributed to the Dirty Debt I've managed to accrue over the years.

For some reason wearing a brand new dress or a new pair of shoes made me feel better whilst I was out. If I tried to look in my wardrobe for something to wear. I'd always end up saying 'I've got nothing to wear', yada yada yadaaa! Then Bang! I'd find myself in River Island or Topshop spending the money that didn't belong to me.

I guess I thought I was some kind of celebrity (which is utterly ridiculous) that could only wear something once before it became inadequate. Over the years the amount of money I've spent on Lipsy and Rare dresses, I dare not to think about.

The reason I've ended up falling back in love with what I already have is because they've started planning the 'Christmas do' at work. Straight away I thought 'I need to buy something new', and then I remembered my goal to clear my debt. I told myself that, actually, I don't need anything new, I just wanted something new.

Once I got home I had a look through my wardrobe and found these 'little babies'. Not to everyone's taste but good enough for me and enough to keep me from spending. Two of these dresses have only been worn once and I've had them for at least a year and a half. So I've learnt to fall back in love with the clothes in my wardrobe, and want what I already have. You can't really go wrong that way, can you?

Instead of buying something new... Have a look through your wardrobe. Have you got anything in there that you've forgotten about or could revamp for a special occasion? Lets talk fashion...

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11 Nov 2013

No longer tempted by daily fashion newsletters... I've UNSUBSCRIBED!

This morning I woke up to 6 new emails in my inbox. Before I had even got out of bed I was being lured in with discount codes and sales. I opened them to see stunning dresses and shoes that would blow my budget into space. They were using Christmas as a way of trying to get me to part with my hard earned cash.

I imagined myself in the clothes and shoes, and then I imagined how I would feel after spending the money, and the truth is... I wouldn't feel very good about it for very long. The buzz of having the new items would die down and I would still be in debt. So I just ignored them.

Lunch time came and my inbox was loaded with even more fashion newsletters, and a work colleagues delivery from which she was very excited about had just arrived. So there it was again more temptation to spend right there on my lunch table.

I thought about it and realised that some things you cannot control, and I'll always come across some sort of advertising, whether it be seeing others shopping or hearing people talk about what clothes they're going to buy in Westfield shopping centre. So I just have to remain focused and remember what my priorities are.

However, what I can control is what emails i get and how many. So I decided to scroll through past emails and unsubscribe from all fashion newsletters to remove myself from as much temptation as possible. This way I'm making a journey that's already a challenge, slightly easier to maintain. With less distractions along the way.

This is a huge step for me as shopping for new clothes was one of my favourite past times, and actually, one that got me into so much debt in the first place.

What do you get tempted by the most and how do you control the urge to spend? I'd love to know :)

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